I am a multidisciplinary artist & designer living and working out of Vancouver, BC, Canada.

I am currently working as a Associate Graphic Designer at tentree. I'm passionate about exploring new mediums and creating work that is expressive and genuine.

Get to know me here!

#eye range:1 #eye rollspeed:1 #eye range:1 #eye rollspeed:1

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I am a multidisciplinary artist and designer living and working out of Vancouver, BC.

I am currently working as a freelance artist and designer. I'm passionate about exploring new mediums and creating work that is expressive and genuine.

Get to know me here!

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Pop-Up Type Museum

Coding, Typography, Image Capture, Installation.
This project was a contribution to the 2020 Pop-Up Type Museum, an annual event held at Emily Carr University that consists of various exhibits exploring different elements of typography or related to typography. 

The exhibition consisted primarily of an interactive “typographic mirror”, which reflected the visitors to the space in real time. The motivation behind  “()Void Setup” was an exploration of modern typography, the intersection of art and technology, and the open-source nature of code.

The mirror concept was inspired by Daniel Rozin’s mechanical mirrors and aided by Daniel Shiffman’s coding tutorials. 


Also presented in this exhibition were clips from the preparation of the project, playing on three mounted screens, to help illustrate the concept as the viewer read the information.


Creative Coding, Typography
︎︎︎ made in Processing 3.1
︎︎︎ tutorials sourced online

© 2021